6 feet of happy dogs

While everyone spending most of their time separate from others, there is one benefit that we are getting to see a lot more dogs out and about for walks! This is good for everyone’s physical and emotional health, including your dogs (who are wondering why you are all in their home all day)! I thought [...]

Lions and Tigers and COVID-19, Oh My!

Since you cannot get more shock value than a tiger case, I thought now would be a good time to go over some of the latest information on COVID-19. Please keep in mind this a developing situation so for the most up to date information, you can link here to the CDC FAQ . Risks [...]

Human Coronavirus

Human Coronavirus (COVID-19) Measures Please read this important message from our Hospital Director Dr. Jenna Cooper: At Banderas Pet Hospital we always strive to provide personalized, family first veterinary medicine.  Our focus currently is to ensure that our patients, their owners and our staff are all kept healthy during this time. While the situation around [...]

FDA Releases An Update On Diets Related To Heart Disease In Pets

The Recent FDA update on diets related to heart disease in pets “In July of 2018 the FDA began an investigation on reports of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in many “grain free” labelled diets”. Today they released additional information including a list of brands being reported by clients. The popularity of grain-free diets has boomed [...]

Why You Should Get your Pet Microchipped

Getting your pet microchipped makes sense for any pet owner.  If your pet is microchipped, you have a greater chance that your furry friend finds their way home if they run away. Unfortunately, many pet owners whose dogs go AWOL never see their beloved pets again. Let’s look at some of the reasons why it [...]

Achoo! A Guide for your Pet’s Allergies

Have you noticed your pet sneezing more lately? With spring here and the weather getting warmer, you may find that your pet starts showing signs of allergies. Pollen in the air is usually associated with allergies in humans, however pet allergies are very common and can cause itching, sneezing, watery eyes, and [...]

Danger: Bad Foods for your Furry Friends

We all love to share things with people and pets that we love. However, when it comes to your furry friends, there are some foods that are bad for them. Before giving in to your pet’s adorable eyes that are saying “please feed me”, you be careful about what tasty treats you [...]

Is Your Dog Sneezing?

Dogs, just like humans, have to sneeze occasionally. However, if your dog is sneezing constantly it could be a sign that something is just not quite right. Before you take your dog to the vets for a checkup, there are some ways to find out why is your dog sneezing. Common Reasons [...]

The Importance of Bloodwork for your Furry Friend

Very often during a routine visit to the vet, you will be advised to get a blood test done on your pet. Because the blood work involves extra cost, many pet owners are hesitant to agree to this. However, blood work is very important for your furry friend. Here are some of [...]

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