We all love to share things with people and pets that we love. However, when it comes to your furry friends, there are some foods that are bad for them. Before giving in to your pet’s adorable eyes that are saying “please feed me”, you be careful about what tasty treats you throw to them to make sure and keep your pet healthy.
In this article, you will find out which foods you should never give your pets.
5 Types of Food You Should Never Give Your Pets
Chocolate, coffee, and caffeine
You should never give your pets any foods containing chocolate, coffee, or caffeine. The harmful substance in these products is methylxanthine. Consuming these types of foods can cause your pet to vomit, have diarrhea, an abnormal heart rhythm, and even death. Dark chocolate is more dangerous for your pet than light chocolate, although all kind of chocolate is bad for pets.
Alcohol is a definite no-no when it comes to pets. Although some people can think it amusing to give their dog some beer, an intoxicated pet is not a happy pet. Alcohol can also affect your pet’s central nervous system, cause tremors, affect breathing and end up in a coma.
Citrus fruits
Small amount of citrus fruits can cause minor stomach upset. However, eating citrus leaves, peels, fruit, and seed can cause extreme irritation and depress the central nervous system.
Dairy products
Many cats and dogs can’t digest the lactose that is found in many dairy products. Although cats love a little milk, it can play havoc with their digestive system. According to Pets WebMD, many cats (and dogs) are lactose intolerant and milk can give them diarrhea and make them vomit.
Raw Meat and Eggs
Raw meat and eggs can expose your pet to harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E.coli. This can result in vomiting and make your pet very sick. The same is true with raw bones. However, giving your dog bones many seem like a natural option, but many domesticated dogs can choke on bones or ingest splinters which can cause internal injuries.
Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin that can interfere with the absorption of biotin. This can cause skin and coat problems.
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